Software Quality thru Tetsing Automation

Explore these links for sample automation testing sites

Front cover of book testing in devops by k cloike

This book A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps has reviewers including some heavy hitters of the testing profession and industry. 👍

QA Thinking, Knowledge and learning

This "application" has some serious flaws, and has been the subject of lots of exploratory testing.

QA Training

Go through simulation of an end to end real-time software project, going through each phase in detail with a special emphasis on QA training processes, phases, roles & responsibilities, deliverables, etc.

Train here
  1. SRS review
  2. Writing Test Scenarios
  3. Test Planning
  4. Test Case Design
  5. Test Data Identification
  6. Test Execution
  7. Defect Management
  8. Status Reporting
  9. Metric Collection

Training Notes

1. SRS review:
